Megavíkend 2024 in a nutshell:

Starts: Friday, October 11th 2024, registration from 5 to 8pm CET
Ends: Sunday, October 13th 2025, expected end at 2pm CET
Venue: Gymnázium Dr. Emila Holuba, Holice, Czech Republic

The Megavikend is an international educational event that is the largest AFS educational event. During the weekend of 11 – 13 October 2024, you will experience a packed program of great workshops and have the opportunity to meet volunteers from all over the Czech Republic and abroad.

The whole program is planned so that everyone can choose from topics on intercultural education, communication, or self-care. The workshops are designed in three-hour blocks, morning and afternoon. At least two workshops in English are guaranteed in each block, taking into account the foreign participants. In addition to the workshops, there is also an additional program.




Gymnázium Dr. Emila Holuba, Na Mušce 1110, Holice 534 01

How to get there?

Book your international tickets to arrive in Prague. There will be organized bus transport from Prague to Holice and back. The bus will leave from the main station at 17.00 CET. Registration and detailed information can be found in the registration form. If you need help with arranging transport to the venue, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.


Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks are prepared by the school’s canteen. Vegetarian/vegan food is also provided. All diets/alergies are to be indicated in the application on GoOut.


Accommodation is provided at the school in the dedicated classrooms divided into quiet and noisy sleeping areas. Please remember to bring a sleeping bag, a mattress and slippers. Accommodation is also available for a fee in a guesthouse or hotel nearby. If you are interested in this type of accommodation, please fill in the registration form in time. Unfortunately, the number of places is limited.


Participation fee

Participation fee for international volunteers is 70 EUR.

The price includes 3 workshops of your choice.


Registration until the 15th of September via

Do you have any questions about registration? Email to [email protected]!


Pátek | Friday
17:00 – 20:00 Arrival & Registration
20:00 – 20:45 Dinner
20:45 – 21:45 Official opening, Icebreakers & games
22:00 – ??:?? Surprise
Sobota | Saturday
07:30 – 08:00 Wake-up Energizers
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 10:30 Saturday track – part 1
10:30 – 10:50 Coffee break
10:50 – 12:20 Saturday track – part 2
12:20 – 12:45 Group Photo
12:45 – 13:45 Lunch
14:30 – 16:00 Saturday track – part 3
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00 Saturday track – part 4
18:00 – 19:00 Dinner
19:00 – 19:30 Chill, costume prep
19:30 – 22:00 Evening program
22:00 – ??:?? Voluntary program, sleep
Neděle | Sunday
07:30 – 08:00 Wake-up Energizers
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 10:30 Sunday morning workshop – part 1
10:30 – 10:50 Coffee break
10:50 – 12:20 Sunday morning workshop – part 2
12:30 – 13:00 Lunch & Evaluation
13:00 – 14:00 End of Megavikend 2023

Saturday morning workshops

Nácvik komunikace - Řekni to přímo (CZE)

Alena a Iva

Have you ever wanted to say NO and instead you said YES? A lot of people can’t say no, even when they feel they don’t respect their own position. The aim of the workshop is to learn about the direct communication program. How to learn how to listen in in a stressful situation, mobilize your resources and then act on your best interest while not harming others. One of the main principles of the training is to put the body into sculptures (body positions) and guided imagery, based on which communication processes are explored used under stress. The “Tell It Straight” program is communication training, not therapy. The workshop will include a brief taster of the programme, led by an experienced psychologist and trainer. If there is interest from workshop participants, AFS will provide a weekend of training in direct communication as part of their training for volunteers

Conflict Unveiled: Explore Your Personal Approach to Disagreements (ENG)


Is it the relationships or the goals that shape your attitude in a conflict? Join this session to discover your personal method for handling disagreements and provide you with tools to navigate conflicts more effectively. Through interactive activities and self-reflection, you’ll gain insights into your own conflict management approach.

Hravé ICL - bez křivky a ledovce! (CZE)

Ala and maky

Glacier, curve, glacier…curve? ICL or Intercultural Understanding is about so much more, after all, it’s all just the tip of the iceberg! Join us for a playful afternoon where you’ll experience what it’s like to find yourself in a completely different world, where you’ll discover that knowing a foreign language doesn’t always help you communicate with another culture, and where we’ll hopefully give you a glimpse of why we at AFS believe ICL can lead to a more understanding and tolerant world.

Travel with Impact: Ethical Travels and Cultural Exchanges (ENG)


Have you ever wondered how your travel can truly make a difference? Join us for the “Travel with Impact workshop”, tailored to inspire and equip you with the skills to create travel experiences that are both enriching and responsible. We will dive deep into the world of ethical travelling and discover how we can contribute positively to the communities we visit. You will learn the delicate balance of engaging respectfully with host cultures and making a tangible impact through your efforts. During this workshop, will explore various facets of cultural exchanges, brainstorming practical advice on how to interact effectively with host communities and leave a lasting positive footprint. The session will be filled with real-life examples, documentary film screening, and insights shared by workshop participants. You will gain invaluable tools and knowledge to help you plan and participate in travels that not only foster your personal growth but also support local communities worldwide. Make your travels meaningful. Join us to learn how!

Standing Up for the Environment as Active Global Citizens (ENG)


Join us for an engaging values-focused workshop exploring the interconnection of active global citizenship, sustainability, and environmental protection. Delve into motivations that can inspire us to stand up for environmental causes and discover actionable steps you can take to make a difference at the individual, community, and global levels. Through interactive discussions and collaborative activities, participants will be empowered to become more effective advocates for a sustainable future. Be inspired to stand up, speak out, and contribute to meaningful positive change.

Saturday afternoon workshops

Není to jak to vypadá: mýty o znásilnění - Amnesty International (CZE)

Amnesty international

The interactive debate focuses on breaking down societal myths and misconceptions related to rape. Using activating teaching methods, a total of six common rape myths will be introduced. Two rape survivors, who were willing to share their personal experiences, will be guided through the programme via videos. The programme is aimed at students aged 17 and over.

Culture Quest: Bridging worlds (ENG)


Delve deep into the world of cultural nuances. In this workshop, you will embark on a quest to understand hidden cultural layers, master the art of cross-cultural communication, and foster appreciation for diverse perspectives. Get ready to turn confusion into understanding and build bridges across cultures!

První pomoc u akutních stavů (CZE)

Life Support

First aid in acute conditions – interactive training in an experiential way.

AI Tools for Effective Volunteering (ENG)


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been reshaping our world and changing many areas of our lives. AI is now everywhere, transforming how we deal with everyday challenges. Join us for an engaging and interactive workshop designed to introduce AFS volunteers to the world of generative AI and its potential to transform volunteer work. During this workshop, you will explore the basics of GenAI, understand the importance of proper prompting, and discover practical AI tools that can enhance your volunteer efforts. By the end of the workshop, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to make the most of AI tools in your daily life. Join us and discover how AI can help you make a greater impact!

Empathy in Action: A Dive into NonViolent Communication (ENG)


Join me to explore the essential steps of NonViolent Communication (NVC). We’ll discuss the core principles of NVC and learn how to apply them to foster empathy, enhance our communication skills, and build stronger connections with ourselves and others. Through engaging activities and practical exercises, you’ll gain valuable insights and tools to incorporate NVC into your daily interactions.

Sunday morning workshops

Well-being through Dance, Yoga, and Meditation (ENG)


In this workshop, we will discover practices through which we can care for our well-being and cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves. This immersive hands-on experience blends energetic spontaneous dance, gentle yoga flow, and a calming meditation focused on breathwork to guide us into a state of deep relaxation and inner joy. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, grab your yoga mat or blanket and join us to dive into the power of movement and mindfulness in a supportive, safe environment.

Pfff, do I really have to join this workshop? (ENG)


Only if you really want to. In this workshop, we will work on turning that “Ugh, not again!” into “Yes, we can!” We will explore the essence of motivation and learn how to tap into our inner drive and stay inspired to achieve your goals. Get ready to unlock your potential and stay energized!

Do světa na zkušenou: jak na stípka a levné cestování? (CZE)

Ala a Terezka

There are many ways to get out into the world these days – and a high school program is just the beginning. With internships, part-time jobs, volunteering, and various short and longer programs, you can actually go anywhere you want without a big savings account! Dreaming of college abroad? Want to learn how to go on an internship across the ocean? Want to experience volunteering in Africa? What do you need to do it, how to write a great cover letter, and where to find all the information? Then we’ll talk about that and everything you’ll be interested in at this training.

Jak funguje tok financí v AFS - programy a rozvoj dobrovolnictví 🌍 (CZE)

Lenka and Rivka

Do you also sometimes wonder why AFS programs cost as much as they do? How is the Megavíkend funded? What about Chapter development and all the volunteer activities? Where does the money for AFS scholarships come from? And how is it all connected to AFS International? We have the answers for you! Let’s take a look together at the flow of funds and the overall workings of AFS in a playful way, during which you can ask questions about anything you’re interested in!

Muzeum Dr. Emila Holuba (CZE)

Volunteer parents

Joint visit to the African Museum of Dr. Emil Holub, famous world´s explorer who was born in Holice. This workshop is only for volunteer parents.


The numbers say it all! Look at the statistics of past years.









Lecturers in 2024



Alena spent several years as ODC/Volunteer Coordinator at AFS, but started her intercultural career on her first hitchhiking trip across Europe at the age of 17. Today she has managed to visit and travel to more than 90 countries around the world, having studied in Scotland, South Africa and Hong Kong. She interned in Taiwan, chose Bolivia for her research, and has volunteered and helped build over 20 libraries in Africa. She has done it all without the financial support of her family and is trying to show everyone that you can make it in the world without money. All it takes is courage and knowing how to Google. And understand that communication between cultures is really different.



Alena is a long-time AFS volunteer. Since 2000, they have hosted many students at home and all 3 of their children have gone on year-long programs with AFS. She has taught Czech to AFS students for 10 years. She is now working with host families and their contacts. She has completed the train the trainer course for the Tell It Direct communication program.



Iva works as a psychologist and psychotherapist. She organizes seminars dealing with personal development. She is an experienced lecturer of the communication program Say it right. She has had excellent results with this program in many different groups – from work teams to school classes.



Betül’s passion for training blossomed in 2018 when she joined the Trainers Team of AFS Türkiye and later became her profession in a software company. During the pandemic, she discovered NonViolent Communication (NVC) and has embraced it as a lifelong learning process. She is thrilled to bring her enthusiasm for sharing NVC with the Megavikend participants!



Maky’s journey at AFS began with a year-long program in Germany. About three years ago, after her return, she became a volunteer at AFS. She also worked for some time in management in the volunteer group in Prague. At the moment, her main focus at AFS is on KOŠi: a vocational training club where she is a senior trainer. Her heart is of course traveling.



Karolina is a multilingual Design Anthropologist dedicated to bridging the gap between academia, business, and third-sector organizations. An AFS alumna who participated in an exchange program in France in 2008, she has since been actively involved in various initiatives at regional, national, and international levels. Currently, Karolina works as an Assistant Professor at Prague University of Economics and Business and is dedicated to empowering students with the research skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a globalized world.



Lejka completed a six-month exchange program in Pennsylvania and a one-year program in Montana during high school. Upon her return, she became a volunteer at AFS, where she was a liaison and worked on organizing events. She is now a member of the training team. She is studying Environmental Studies and International Relations at Masaryk University. She loves travelling, yoga, running and music.



Hi, I’m Lomme and I’m from Belgium. I went on exchange to Malaysia a few years ago and have been an active volunteer in AFS since then. Most of my time as a volunteer is spent doing and coming up with workshops for students and other volunteers. Apart from being active in AFS, I also spend a lot of time with other NGOs such as EFIL and Amnesty International.



Hi, I’m Rivka and I’ve been volunteering with AFS for four years. I also became a host sister and went to Germany for three months. I’ve been doing AFS training since 2021, including internationally. Outside of AFS, I am studying to be a teacher, and I like to spend my free time with friends, exploring new things, and traveling 🙂 .



Lenka was with AFS in 2021 on a program in Switzerland and since her return she has been volunteering with AFS mainly in the sending office. Previously she held a position in the management of Brno, now she is the coordinator of interviews with students and a member of the AFS training team. She comes from a family with a long association with AFS. Her mom and her mom’s sister were with AFS on a year-long program in the US and England, her grandparents hosted 4 international students, and her aunt and uncle hosted 1 student from Belgium. Lenka loves dancing, traveling (she loves to go back to Switzerland to visit her host family) and studying at the Medical Faculty in Brno. In AFS she enjoys most the role of Buddy, interviews or volunteering at camps.



Tereza’s family has hosted two exchange students in the past. After the covid ended, she started volunteering at AFS in the Hradubicko group, where she has been working as Chapter president since last year. She is also currently involved as a trainer. She studies languages, is a long-time scout, loves theatre and travelling.

Life Support

Life Support

Life Support pořádá kurzy první pomoci nejvyšší kvality. Jsou profesionálové v urgentní medicíně a záchraně lidí a první pomoc školí přes 10 let!

Amnesty International

Amnesty International

Amnesty International je nezávislé hnutí, které již před šedesát let usiluje o dodržování lidských práv ve světě.
Působí ve 150 zemích a má přes 10 milionů členů*ek, kterým není lhostejné, co se ve světě děje.
Amnesty organizuje protesty, petice, kampaně a také Maraton psaní dopisů, který každoročně pomáhá nespravedlivě vězněným. V každé zemi se Amnesty věnuje jiným tématům. V České republice je to momentálně například klimatická změna v kontextu lidských práv, právo na interrupci, právo na držení zbraní či kampaň Chce to souhlas za redefinici znásilnění, v rámci které vznikl také workshop Mýty o znásilnění: Není to, jak to vypadá.

Are you not sure that this is the right thing for you? Are you afraid of not knowing anyone? Loose all your insecurities and join us! Megavikend will for sure amaze you and here is why:

1) it is one of the biggest AFS educational events from the whole Europe
2) workshops and training are run by experienced trainers
3) you will meet many interesting people, not only from the Czech republic
4) you will have a lot of fun and you will get to know the city like a local
5) and many more

This idea originated in 2007 when a group of young AFS volunteers decided to organize the first-ever session of this educational event. For all the seasons, the goal of Megavikend remains the same – connect young people from the whole of Europe and let them educate themselves, share their knowledge, experience, tips, and tricks, and thus participate in the development of our society. Every year, the event is visited by more than 120 participants from all around the globe. And you can be part of it!

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Contact us

Do you have any questions? Contact us at [email protected] or on our Facebook page or on our Instagram profile.

We are looking forward to helping you!