Roční program v Německu očima Bětky – část druhá
Od mého posledního eseje neuplynulo zas tolik času, takže něco závratného se mezitím nestalo. Škola byla během prosince trochu více…
Od mého posledního eseje neuplynulo zas tolik času, takže něco závratného se mezitím nestalo. Škola byla během prosince trochu více…
Blíží se Vánoce a čas utíká, tak rychle, že se pomalu ocitám u konce 1/3 mého pobytu v Německu. Ze začátku…
V dubnu jsem se měla možnost na 4 dny zúčastnit AFS školení “ICL for Schools Community of Practice” v tureckém…
AFS Mezikulturní programy, o.p.s. (dále jen „AFS“) je mezinárodní dobrovolnická organizace, která spojuje a sbližuje rozdílné kultury, učí vzájemné toleranci,…
Submitted by: Beren B. Recipe Source Country: Turkey Cooking/Prep time: 30 minutes to 1 hour Ingredients 1 kg of eggplant…
Submitted by: Stella C. from Italy Recipe Source Country: Czech Republic Cooking/Prep time: 30 minutes to 1 hour Ingredients (for…
Submitted by: Eliška N. Recipe Source Country: Russia (however, pancakes similar to blinis are in the cuisine of every Slavic…
Submitted by: Hela H. Recipe Source Country: Czech Republic Cooking/Prep time: 1 to 2 hours Ingredients The Dough: 250 g…
Submitted by: Alžběta K. Recipe Source Country: Czech Republic Cooking/Prep time: 30 minutes to 1 hour Ingredients The Dough: 250…
Submitted by: Aurora L. from Italy Recipe Source Country: Czech Republic Cooking/Prep time: < 10 min Ingredients 0,5 l of milk…
*Another name for this dish is podešve, přesňáky, lady … very similar to lokše aka salty potato pancakes also baked…
Submitted by: Betty S. Recipe Source Country: Belgium Cooking/Prep time: more than 2 hours Ingredients 500 g of plain flour…
Submitted by: Lenka K. Recipe Source Country: Switzerland Cooking/Prep time: more than 2 hours Ingredients The Dough: 300 g of…
Submitted by: Tereza B. Recipe Source Country: USA Cooking/Prep time: 30 minutes to 1 hour You can also make it…
Submitted by: Sandra J. Recipe Source Country: from the USA but Czech version Cooking/Prep time: 30 minutes to 1 hour…
Submitted by: Bára N. Recipe Source Country: Canada Cooking/Prep time: 1 to 2 hours This dish can also be prepared…
Submitted by: Hela H. Recipe Source Country: India Cooking/Prep time: 30 minutes to 1 hour Ingredients The Filling: 4 boiled…
Odkaz na na celý rozhovor naleznete zde: Zlínský rozhlas
“I have to say that I am stunned by the participants’ openness as they were willing to share their opinions…
My name is Himari. I am from Japan. I’ve been living in the Czech Republic since the 10th of September,…
Ahoj! I am Alice, from Italy, and I have been living in the Czech Republic for seven months. They have…
I have been living in the Czech Republic since the 27th of August, that’s more than 7 months. I’m here…
I’m Beren from Turkey. I have been living in the Czech Republic for 6 months and I will come back…
This is my 7th month in the Czech Republic and I would like to share my experiences with you all.…
Hi everyone, let me start by saying that going to the Czech Republic was the best experience of my life.…
Ako ESC dobrovoľník som sa spolu s ďalšími dobrovoľníkmi, ktorí sú práve na projekte v Českej republike zúčastnila midterm evaluation…
Hola, jsem Kateřina a v tomhle článku se vám pokusím přiblížit svůj semestrální pobyt na Kostarice. Žiju v menším městečku…
Hi. My name is Kaichi U. from Japan. Now I have been here for more than half a year though…
Hello, I am Jazmin A. A., but everyone calls me Jaz. I am from Argentina, but nowadays I’m living in…
Na mezinárodní školení ICL for Schools Community of Practice Kick Off jsme se dostaly díky podpoře EYF a aktivitě evropské…