Submitted by: Lenka K.
Recipe Source Country: Switzerland
Cooking/Prep time: more than 2 hours


The Dough:

  • 300 g of flour (preferably plain wheat flour)
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pinch of sugar
  • 60 g of soft butter
  • 15 g of yeast
  • 1,5 dl of lukewarm milk

The Filling:

  • 450 g of dried pears
  • 170 g of prunes
  • 50 g of dried figs
  • 20 g of dried sour cherries
  • 125 g of walnuts
  • 2 teaspoons of gingerbread spice

Have some eggs for the top coat.
(The fruit listed is for inspiration only and can also be replaced with dried apples, cherries, some raisins/cranberries, … or fruit puree made from fresh fruit. Nuts can be omitted.)


  1. Leave the dried fruit in water overnight (the water does not have to cover all the fruit to the edge).
  2. Mix the yeast with lukewarm milk, sugar, and salt. Add the flour and butter, work into a dough and leave to rise.
  3. Cook the dried fruit for about 20 minutes over medium heat until the fruit is soft. Then blend and add water to achieve the consistency of a thicker fruit puree, perhaps with chunks of fruit. Add the nuts and spices.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  5. Roll out the dough (like a strudel) to a thickness of about 3mm, fill with the filling, roll up, brush with egg, and place on a baking tray with baking paper.
  6. Bake it for 35-45 minutes.